We put all our capabilities into delivering excellent customer service through our employees’ expertise delivered at high efficiency
كيف تعمل البحري للبضائع السائبة على توفير معايير السلامة والتأمين ضد المخاطر؟ تعمل مجموعة البحري على تطبيق معايير السلامة العالمية، كما تتميز مجموعة البحري بامتلاك أحدث السفن بأعلى المواصفات والتي تم وضعها في عين الأعتبار أثناء جميع عمليات تصنيع السفن، حيث توفر للعملاء استمرارية العمل ، كما نقوم بتطبيق المعايير الدولية لحفظ حقوق الشركات والعملاء. كيف تعملون على تعزيز تواجدكم في المنطقة والعالم؟ لا شك أن اسم مجموعة البحري في حد ذاته يعزز من تواجد شركة البحري للبضائع السائبة فنحن 5 نتحدث عن مجموعة تملك عشرات السفن منها سفن مخصصة للبضائع السائبة، كما تم التعاقد سفن جديدة بالإضافة إلى السفن التي 4 على بناء يتم استأجرها لتلبية الطلب المتنامي في السوق والتي يتم اختيارها بعناية فائقة لضمان سلامة الشحنات مع توفير استمرارية أفضل الخدمات للعملاء. ما الذي يميز البحري للبضائع السائبة عن منافسيها؟ نحن نضع كل إمكانياتنا في خدمة العملاء من خلال قاعدة بيانات ضخمة وخبرات بشرية عالية الكفاءة بالإضافة إلى السفن ذات المواصفات العالية واستراتيجيات التأمين وتدابير السلامة. تتميز البحري بوجود قاعدة بيانات ضخمة ً أيضا يمكنها التنبؤ بتغيرات السوق ، كل هذا يجعل البحري للبضائع السائبة من أفضل الشركات المنافسة في السوق ويمكنها من اجتذاب العملاء . ً ودوليا ً محليا ، ما الكلمة الأخيرة التي تود ً أخيرا أن توجهها للعاملين في البحري وقراء مجلة مرساة؟ بالنسبة للعاملين في شركة البحري للبضائع السائبة فأنا أؤكد بأن المستقبل واعد وأن التحولات التي شهدتها خلال الأعوام السابقة تعد قفزات تظهر بشكل واضح من البدء بعميل واحد 2017 إلى قاعدة عملاء كبيرة بنهاية 2015 في عام مليون طن في بداية العمل إلى أكثر من 1.2 ومن ً ملايين طن خلال عامين فإن كل ذلك يعد إنجازا 6 نؤكد على أن توجه المملكة ورؤيتها ً ، وأيضا ً كبيرا بدعم الشركات الوطنية وخلق فرص 2030 للعام داخل السعودية بتمكين الشركات السعودية يجعلنا من المساهمين في بناء المستقبل لدولتنا ولنا الشرف في ذلك. كما أود أن أنقل كلمة لعملاء البحري أننا طيلة السنوات الماضية أثبتنا كفاءة عالية في تقديم الخدمات والتي تنافس الشركات العالمية ولن نقل عن ذلك بل نطمح للأفضل فعلاقتنا بعملائنا هي شراكة استراتيجية طويلة الأمد بإذن الله.
Saudi Arabia and VIVA Bahrain, through which I gained experience in sales, marketing and business management. I also developed my leadership skills and increased my knowledge of different local and international markets. In May 2015, I became the President of Bahri Dry Bulk. How does Bahri Dry Bulker operate? First of all, dry bulker can be defined as a carrier that can transport unpacked bulk cargo through its cargo holds. Basically, the cargo holds differ in numbers from five to nine, depending on the size of the vessel. To be more specific, bulk vessels are used to transport agricultural crops such as wheat and barley as well as raw materials such as iron and coal. How does the joint venture between Bahri Dry Bulk and the Arabian Agricultural Services Company (ARASCO) work? Bahri Dry Bulk was actually formed as a joint venture between Bahri and ARASCO aiming to establish a bulk cargo transport company in the Arab world and acquire a large market share in the region. The JV began its journey from Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest importer of agricultural crops at 14 million tons per year, where the private sector holds 28% of the domestic market. Under the ARASCO contract, Bahri Dry Bulk owns and operates a modern, state- of-the-art fleet of five dry bulk vessels transporting from all global ports to the Kingdom. What was your future vision for Bahri Dry Bulk when you first started working for the company as president? Since the beginning of my tenure in May 2015, my main objective in terms of facilitating Bahri Dry Bulk’s development process was to position the company as Saudi Arabia’s official carrier. However,
this vision was later expanded to ensure we became the largest carrier in the Arab world. Accordingly, we launched offices in Riyadh, Dubai and Cairo and formed specialized teams to attract the largest customer base and acquire a greater market share in the region. During 2016 and 2017, Bahri Dry Bulk was able to double its market share from 1.2 million tons to 4.5 million tons and then to 6 million tons respectively; this is a testament to the company’s success and its ability to provide comprehensive high-quality services and better offers to customers. In particular, Bahri Dry Bulk is working on an important initiative with its partners to be Saudi Arabia’s national carrier that should be responsible for securing the food transport chain and contributing to protecting the market against fluctuations due to commercial or natural events, a paradigm successfully adopted in Korea, China and Japan. This approach has
ersat interviewed Eng. Nezar Banabeela, President of Bahri Dry Bulk, on the company’s strategy for 2018 and its plans to build profits and increase local and regional market share. Combining expertise and efficiency along with a future vision, Bahri Dry Bulk seeks to achieve its ambition of becoming the recognized Saudi’s national carrier, helping to ensure food security within the Kingdom and at the same time meet the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program 2020. in delivering Vision 2030 M Please tell us about yourself and your professional background? I obtained my degree in electrical engineering and have completed several courses in strategy, marketing, management and leadership from various international schools including London Business School and Kenneth Ruthven, Cambridge. Finally, I was accredited through Harvard’s Management Leadership Program. As for my career, I worked in various fields including communications at STC, Mobily Bahri Dry Bulk: Playing an important role Eng. Nezar Banabeela, President of Bahri Dry Bulk, talks to Mersat:
We launched offices in Riyadh, Dubai and Cairo and formed specialized teams to attract the largest customer base and acquire a greater market share in the region.
also been successful for many years in the oil transport sector following the strategic partnership with Saudi Aramco that made Bahri the largest carrier and operator of oil globally. What is Bahri Dry Bulk expected to achieve at national level? In order to achieve its objective to be the national carrier of the Kingdom and transport about 10 million tons of wheat and barley imports, Bahri Dry Bulk has to provide more than 40 vessels that can be built in the shipyard at Ras Al
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