ما هي عوامل الأمان التي توفرها سفن “البحري”؟ تحرص شركة البحري على اتباع أعلى معايير السلامة في جميع سفنها وأعمالها، وعملت على نقل هذه الرؤية للإداريين والعاملين على متن أسطولها، وتلتزم الشركة بتوفير الأمان لموظفيها والبيئة، والمجتمع. وتقوم بذلك من خلال تدريب الموظفين على إجراءات السلامة واعتماد معايير السلامة الدولية على جميع السفن. كما أن الشركة تتعامل بمسؤولية مع قضايا البيئة والحياة البحرية وتطبق أعلى المعايير للمحافظة عليها من خلال اتباع أحدث نظم ومعايير التلوث البحري الدولية، واعتماد أفضل الممارسات لإدارة الحمولات واستخدام تقنيات توفير وقود حديثة في كافة السفن. إضافة إلى العديد من الإجراءات الوقائية التي يضيق المجال عن حصرها.
Abdullah Al-Yami talks to Mersat Coming from the desert to find success on the high seas
provides light and warmth throughout the world was worth the tough working conditions. I was also overwhelmed by the great support from my colleagues and managers at work, especially Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Sabri and Eng. Khaled Al-Hammad, who have been supporting me throughout my career. Through your magazine, I would like to address and thank them as well as the rest of my colleagues. My family also played an important role in my career and they understood my constant absence. My mother had also been encouraging and praying for me. Do you consider your stays on ships for months at a time as an adventure? What was your longest trip? The first time I saw the sea was from the Al-Khobar coast after signing up with Aramco’s scholarship program. Previously, the only form of transport I had a strong bond with was the camel, but then I formed a similar relationship with the ship. God’s will led me to the sea and the type of my duty determines the period of the trip. I usually stay for about four months during each sea expedition and we carry out a number of trips. Some are long and take months as we are crossing oceans, while others are regional and just take days. What personal qualifications should maritime team members possess? In addition to good academic qualifications and training, working on tankers require resilience, a sense of responsibility and responsiveness. It also requires the ability to work in a team, adapt to different environments and work with colleagues from different countries. This type of work also requires respect for regulations, decision-making and accuracy of implementation.
praise and compliments from international field experts.
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You are one of the most outstanding Saudis within the maritime field. What is your message to young Saudis who wish to join the industry? The Kingdom is the world’s largest oil exporter, and the last drop of oil in the world will emerge from its sands. It has long coasts and occupies a distinct geographical location. As per the Saudi Vision 2030, maritime transport to and from the Kingdom will be at least doubled . Accordingly, maritime shipping is an important
“I held many positions in the field of marine “تدرج في السلم الوظيفي حتى حصل على رئيس مهندسين كأول سعودي يحمل هذه الرتبة على ناقلة نفط عملاقة” Engineer of VLCC – the first Saudi to hold this rank” “حصل على الشهادة الثانوية والتحق بشركة أرامكو التي ابتعثته لدراسة الهندسة البحرية في جامعة ساوثهامبتون البريطانية” 1999 “I obtained my high school diploma in 1999 and joined Saudi Aramco, which then sent me to study Marine Engineering at the University of Southampton in the UK” engineering until I became the Chief
When the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (Bahri) merged with Vela, I moved to work with Bahri and currently holding the position of chief engineer for its crude carriers fleet. Recently, I joined Bahri Ship Management Ltd., a Dubai-based
subsidiary of Bahri, to oversee the vessels and take charge of administrative tasks.
sector that provides young Saudis with promising opportunities. However, this vital sector needs much development in terms of infrastructure,
خاضأجدادنا البحار والمحيطات وفاتحين وبسطوا سيطرتهم ً تجارا على بحار العالم القديم فتركوا إرثا كبيرا في علوم الملاحة .
Your work requires a lot of travelling and staying on board for a long time. Describe your daily journey and how you adapted to this atomosphere. Coming out from the desert and adapting to the sea might seem difficult. However, the sea and the desert share many similarities. They both offer unobstructed views of the horizon, they both hide many secrets and their residents are usually familiar with the need to exercise patience, endure long periods of loneliness and stare at the stars. The working hours on the ship start at 7 a.m. and adhere to a specific schedule that covers regular maintenance and monitoring until 5 p.m. In the beginning, I faced difficulties in terms of getting used to work on the sea as well as the tough duties of being a marine engineer. As I was working in conditions that were characterized by humidity and rocking boats, life on the ship was very difficult and we went without sleep for days. Sailing into the ocean a thousand miles away from the ports made you feel distant from home, especially as there were minimal means of communication. This feeling was also fueled by the lack of Saudis on the ship. With time, I recognized that being involved in delivering one of the major sources of energy and the main driver of the global economy wheel that also
technology, education and training to graduate young Saudis who will be able to meet the huge need for human resources. Harbormasters and border authorities at the foreign ports from China to the US express their surprise when dealing with young Saudis who handle tough duties. Just like our forefathers crossed seas and oceans as traders and conquerors, extending their control over the ancient world’s seas and leaving behind a great legacy in the science of navigation, our youth are also capable of managing this key sector with quality and responsibility when they have access to the opportunities, qualifications and advantages. What is the difference between working on oil tankers and working on passenger ships? Oil tankers are giant ships with a capacity of up to 300,000 tons. They are different from commercial vessels in terms of the size of engines, techniques and design. As oil tankers carry a heavy and dangerous load where any fault may cause environmental and economic disasters, they are equipped with special equipment in terms of design, technology and safety means.
ما هي مميزات التطور على سفن “البحري”؟ تتبنى “بحري” مبدأ الابتكار في جميع أنشطتها وتحرص على الاستفادة من أحدث التقنيات المتاحة، ناقلات نفط عملاقة 5 وسينضم إلى أسطول الشركة جديدة لاتزال قيد البناء لتنضم إلى بقية الأسطول ناقلة وسفينة في قطاعات 88 الذي يتكون من ناقلة نفط عملاقة. الحرص على 41 مختلفة، منها الابتكار والتطوير يعزز المكانة العالمية للشركة ويجعلها مواكبة لآخر التطورات في هذا المجال. قال ولي العهد الأمير محمد بن سلمان والمشروعات الاقتصادية 2030 أن رؤية الكبرىسوف تقوم على أكتاف الشباب السعودي. كيف يمكن ترجمة ذلك في مجالات النقل والعمل و مجال قيادة السفن والعملضمن أطقمها؟ ل همزة وصل بين ّ المملكة تقع في قلب العالم، وتشك كلم، وتشرف على 3400 قاراته، ويتجاوز طول سواحلها مسطحات مائية تشهد حركة نقل بحري كثيف لايقتصر على النقل من المملكة وإليها، وكما جاء على لسان ولي في المئة من 13 العهد الأمير محمد بن سلمان فإن التجارة العالمية تمر من خلال البحر الأحمر وذلك يشكل لم تستغل بعد. ً استثمارية عظيمة جدا ً فرصا ونحن نتطلع إلى إنشاء صناعة متكاملة للنقل البحري تتضمن جميع العناصر مثل الموانئ الحديثة والموانئ الجافة وخدمات الصيانة والخدمات المساندة واللوجستية كما نتطلع إلى توطين التقنيات وتوفير الأكاديميات والمعاهد رفيعة المستوى لتخريج كوادر متميزة قادرة على إدارة وتطوير هذا القطاع المهم.
In a special interview, Eng. Abdullah Al-Yami describes his career as an exciting experience with full of events and challenges. Hailing from a desert town, Al-Yami joined Saudi Aramco and rose to become the first Saudi chief maritime engineer. To start off, please tell us a bit about yourself. I am Abdullah bin Musfer Al-Dab’i Al-Yami, a Saudi national who holds his country deep within his heart. I obtained my high school diploma in 1999 and joined Saudi Aramco, which then sent me to study Marine Engineering at the University of Southampton in the UK. After graduating, I joined the engineering department of the Saudi Aramco- owned company, Vela International Marine, as a fourth engineer. Throughout my career, I took many courses and completed many academic and training programs. I held many positions in the field of marine engineering until I became the Chief Engineer of VLCC – the first Saudi to hold this rank.
“يبدأ عمله اليومي على ً سفن البحري السابعة صباحا عبر برنامج دقيق يستمر حتى الخامسة مساء” 7:00
What makes your travels worthwhile?
Sailing on an oil tanker allows you to face different situations. The things that I will never forget are the promotions,
مـرسـاة - يـــنــايــــــــــر 1 8
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