Bahri Annual Report-2008

The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia

Annual Report 2008


Human Resources

NSCSA focuses on providing an appropriate environment tooptimize productivity and develop its human resources. For this reason, in 2008 NSCSA embarked on the review and updating of its by-laws in order to enhance its competitive edge which is dependent primarily on its distinctive competencies. Various in-house or out side training courses for staff development were also conducted to tackle relevant advanced technology and disciplines needed for NSCSA functions. Based on the company's conviction that nationalization of jobs constitutes anational option, NSCSA has completed the Saudization of Out of NSCSA’s concern to have in place state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated systems to provide necessary support and assistance to all sectors of the company and to keep pace with the trend of expansion in various fields, and in order to upgrade the level of services provided to its customers, a strategic plan for information technology has been developed with the assistance of a specialized international consulting firm to develop scientific methods and an appropriate methodology aimed at determining the company’s course of action and its future needs for modern information technology, and to keep up with the company's strategic plan. Based on this strategic plan, the company’s vision with regard to information technology is focused on providing all sectors of NSCSA with a comprehensive package of electronic services and the latest technology to support the efforts of the company and enhance its competitive edge. The Strategic Plan recommended application of a uniform system for managing and planning of the company's resources (ERP) as a necessity to cope with future growth and development of the company. The system relies on

most of the leading positions in the company and its affiliates, and other jobs are being Saudized gradually, according to a plan under which NSCSA has undertaken to train Saudi cadres. Given the lack of qualified Saudi manpower working in the shipping industry, NSCSA has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Naval College, King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, to avail students of the said college the opportunity of practical training on board NSCSA vessels for developing their abilities and giving them career opportunities to increase the number of Saudi cadres in this field. application of the best international practices and methods in place, and provides possibility of measuring and identifying performance indicators (KPI) for various activities of all segments of the company, with submission of smart reports to assist in the process of decision- making, and ensure application of governance and other electronic services. A study has been conducted to assess the extent of the company's readiness for application of this system with the identification of needs and future requirements relating to the performance of daily work and relevant factors, and, God willing, implementation will begin during the first quarter of 2009 for a period of one year.

Information Technology

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