Bahri Annual Report-2014

Consolidated Statement of Income for the Year Ending in December 31, 2014 (in Thousands Saudi Riyals)




3,626,412 (1,206,749) (1,963,373) 456,290 217,936 674,226 (98,875) 575,351 131,956 (106,474)

Operating revenues

24 24 24

2,846,698 (943,406) (1,494,838)

Bunker cost

Other operating expenses

Gross operating income before bunker subsidy

408,454 171,108 579,562 (79,123) 500,439 291,235 (60,402) 107,711 838,983 (49,858) 789,125 (36,863) 752,262

Bunker subsidy

Gross operating income

General and administrative expenses


Operating income

Share in results of an associated company

10 16 22

Finance charges

(1,053) 599,780 (37,436) 562,344 (28,504) 533,840

Other (expenses) income, net

Income before zakat, tax and non-controlling interests

Zakat and withholding tax, net


Income before non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests Net income for the year

Earnings Per Share (in SR): Attributable to operating income Attributable to net income for the year

1.70 1.58

17 17

1.59 2.39

The attached notes from 1 to 29 represent an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Annual Report 2014

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