Environmental & Safety
The shipping industry is globally spread and has an impact in the sea environ- ment and climate changes, NSCSA maintains a strong commitment towards safety and complies with all the regulations imposed by the global legislative bodies and environmental organizations; in which to preserve the integrity of the marine environment and climate. NSCSA is determined to observe all the requirements necessary for this purpose in the technical specifications of its fleet and to minimize the negative impact on the environment by the pollu- tion from vessel’s engines and equipment used on board the fleet. NSCSA con- ducts periodic inspections of the fleet and equipment through global consult- ing firms to ensure safety and conformity to the technical specifications and standards adopted universally. NSCSA regularly conduct revision of the safety equipment on board the fleet to conform to the latest standards.
NSCSA always takes important measures for the safety and health of its em- ployees as well as those employees on board the fleet.
Social Responsibility
NSCSA always goes beyond the commercial interests and believes that social responsibility is an obligation to make decisions as well as take actions that will enhance the welfare and interest of the society and the company. NSCSA is committed to establish an active presence in the community served. NSCSA believes in the importance of social responsibilities due to the benefits gained from the society; therefore, NSCSA have an obligation to improve it. It is part of it’s objectives for the impact reflected on the employees, custom- ers, community, and other organizations or groups. NSCSA aims to build confidence and close relations within the community and its reputable customers throughout it’s business, and has earmarked a special provision in its budget for social and educational activities, awareness-raising and general development projects.
NSCSA’s contributions to social activities during 2010 are as follows:
• Contributed to “Insan” Charitable Organization. • Cholesterol awareness campaign organized by the Ministry of Health (MOH). • Annual Janadriyah Festival.
Risk Management
The shipping industry is complete with risks at the financial, informational and operational levels. NSCSA has paid great attention to these risks and pro- ceeded to apply a set of measures to address such risks through a controlled system. All departments and employees at NSCSA are responsible for imple- menting such appropriate internal controls and risk management to ensure the company reaches its goals and save its resources.
The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia Annual Report 2010
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