Mersat Magazine - Forth Edition


We operate according to a framework of carefully developed policies that we call, “We Care.”

B ahri’s human resources division continuously develops its strategy in accordance with the best practices to keep pace with the company’s growth domestically and internationally. Mersat interviewed Mr. Hisham Bin Hussain Al Khalidi, Senior VP (HR & Communications), to extensively discuss Bahri’s human resources operations and strategy. Bahri’s human resources system is a benchmark in Saudi Arabia in terms of organization and its mechanism. What can you tell us about its framework? Human resources are concerned with everything related to human capital in business. It is known globally as a science in its own right, and each company or institution implements its systems according to its own individual strategy. At Bahri, we operate according to a framework of carefully developed policies that we call, “We Care.” Bahri’s Human Resources Division is divided into several departments, including Talent Management, which aims to research and attract the best talent in the labor market. This is done indirectly through various local and international recruitment channels such as job fairs or by directly offering job opportunities through our website and specialized recruitment sites. Our strategy includes presenting The human resources system is one of the main pillars driving the operations of companies and the engine that facilitates their continuation and development due to its strategic role in human capital management and performance development.

Image: Bahri

ا .. ما هي رسالتكم لموظفي ً أخير “البحري”؟ رسالتي لموظفي البحري، أننا نفتخر بكم ونعتز بجهودكم، وروح التعاون التي تسود فريق العمل، نتمنى أن يكون الجميع إضافة ملموسة في زيادة الإنتاج وتوسعة نطاق العمل، فنحن نسعى لتهيئة المناخ الملائم للاستقرار وتعميق الإبداع وتوفير فرص التطور والتعلم، ولابد أن يقابل ذلك بمزيد من بذل الجهد والارتقاء بجودة الخدمات. أشكر كل موظفي البحري على مساهمتهم في إنجاح البحري على مدار ا ساهم خلالها الكثيرين ممن انتهت خدمتهم ً عام 40 أو الذين ما زالوا على رأس العمل بجد وإخلاص وكانوا ا فيما وصلت إليه البحري اليوم، ونعدهم أننا ً سبب في قطاع الموارد البشرية نعمل على تقديم أفضل ا ً ا وعالمي ً الخدمات والنهوض بقدرات منسوبينا محلي والإسهام في رفع مستوياتهم العملية.

information about Bahri and the scope of its business as well as its presence in the local and global markets and the nature of our work, as we aspire to be the first choice for employees and job seekers. After the recruitment process, clear and specific objectives are set for employees before we implement training and development programs aimed at providing employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. We also focus on leadership development in line with operational tasks and succession

planning programs to ensure business continuity and growth. In view of the strategic role of human resources, the Human Resources Business Partner plays a vital role in working directly with the heads of divisions and business units to ensure that all their needs related to existing business and future growth plans are met in order to achieve customer satisfaction and increase efficiency in productivity and operations. The human resources organizational structure is managed by the Employee Care department, whose primary concern is caring for employees and

Our staff is our first capital Senior VP (HR & Communications) Hisham Al Khalidi

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