The Red Sea Project is the first of its kind to develop of a tourist mega complex on the Red Sea
، كما يعد ً أفريقيا وأكثرها انشغالا ميناء الملك عبد الله ثاني أكبر ميناء في المملكة، ويمتد على أكثر كم مربع بالقرب من وادي 15 من الصناعة في مدينة الملك عبد الله الاقتصادية. تميز اقتصادي دفع الموقع الجغرافي للسعودية العديد من دول العالم للتوجه
on more than 50 islands, being close to various natural reserves of plant and animal life, and the remains of the most famous inactive volcanoes in the world, and next to the archaeological site of Mada’in Saleh. The project is to be developed to become an area that applies best practices and global experiences in the field of tourism. Shipping Routes: Saudi Arabia has a growing logistics capacity that is strongly in line with its geographical location. It has a major international shipping route between East and West. Jeddah Islamic Port is the largest and most busy port in the Middle East and North Africa region. King Abdullah Port is the second largest port in Saudi Arabia, with more than 15 square kilometers near the Valley of Industry in King Abdullah Economic City. The Economic Privilege The geographical position of Saudi Arabia has led many countries to invest in the Kingdom. This is what we are aware of from the outputs of the 1st Future Investment Initiative in 2017 and the Future Investment Initiative (FII), also known as “Davos in the Desert” in 2018. The two activities attracted many international economic institutions and companies and announced their desire to settle their projects internally. One of the most powerful economies in the world and is closely monitored by evaluation institutions as an important figure in the global economy.
In 2018, the International Monetary Fund raised its growth rate estimate of the Saudi economy for three consecutive times in the “World Economic Outlook” report, which is an indicator of the global recognition of the sharp and positive growth in the Kingdom’s economy, and the Fund stressed the continued growth of the economy of Saudi Arabia during the years 2018 and 2019. The reserve assets of the Kingdom abroad, which stated Saudi Arabia among major countries, have witnessed a remarkable increase during the last period to reach reserve assets “worth” $ 510 billion. Mersat Magazine interviewed Mr. Saeed Bin Mohammed, an economic researcher, who says: “The Kingdom, based on its geographical location, has promising investment opportunities, and both the Five-Year Plan and Saudi Vision 2030 were based on the natural elements of offering important investment opportunities in the industrial and tourism fields giving the Saudi private sector chances to compete and increase its share in the competitive services market and boost GDP.” Mr. Bin Mohammed pointed out that ports and logistics services are powerful forces added to the status of the Saudi economy. The Kingdom has two ports on the sea and it has a large coast that can be exploited and provide services to neighboring countries especially in the continents The Private Sector Competitiveness
stressing that it is possible to compete with these countries only by changing the traditional process followed and switch to the innovative process which depends on exceptional initiatives in projects that depend on application and creativity, considering
King Abdullah Port is the second largest port in Saudi Arabia, with more than 15 square kilometers near the Valley of Industry in king Abdullah Economic City
أكد تقرير صندوق النقد الدولي على استمرار نمو اقتصاد المملكة خلال الفترة القادمة
نحو الاستثمار في المملكة، وهو ما نلمسه من مخرجات مؤتمر م 2017 الاستثمار الأول عام ومؤتمر دافوس الصحراء عام م، إذ حظيت الفعاليتان بإقبال 2018 العديد من المؤسسات الاقتصادية والشركات العالمية وإعلان رغبتها ، فاقتصاد ً توطين مشاريعها داخليا من أقوى ً المملكة يعد واحدا اقتصادات العالم ويحظى بمتابعة دقيقة ودورية من مؤسسات في ً ا هاما ً التقييم باعتباره رقم الاقتصاد العالمي. م قام صندوق 2018 وخلال عام النقد الدولي برفع تقديراته لمعدلات نمو الاقتصاد السعودي لثلاث مرات متتالية وذلك في تقرير آفاق الاقتصاد العالمي” الأمر الذي للأثر الحاد والإيجابي ً يعد مؤشرا لاقتصاد المملكة في العالم، كما أكد الصندوق على استمرار نمو اقتصاد المملكة العربية السعودية م، كما 2019 م و 2018 خلال العامين
that reaching the 15th rank is a very advanced level among the modern world economies and means that the Saudi economy is achieving huge economic figures. Financial and Natural Factors Expressing his opinion, Mr. Ahmed Al-Shehri; an economic writer, says: “The Kingdom is establishing an investment system to include strategic industrial and military sectors oriented towards the future depending on the financial and natural assets besides the geographical spaces.” He points out that the investment in the Kingdom is proceeding at accelerated rates, especially
The giant project which is almost 33 times of New York City size
تعطي الأصول الاحتياطية للمملكة بين الدول الكبرى، حيث ً بالخارج مكانة ا خلال الفترة ً ا ملحوظ ً شهدت ارتفاع الماضية لتبلغ الأصول الاحتياطية مليارات دولار. 510 تنافسية القطاع الخاص مجلة مرساة التقت الأستاذ سعيد بن محمد، الباحث في الشؤون الاقتصادية، الذي يرى أن المملكة ً اقتصادية واعدة نظرا ً تمتلك فرصا أن الخطة ً لموقعها الجغرافي، موضحا ،2030 الخمسية للمملكة ورؤية اعتمدت على المقومات الطبيعية في عرض فرص استثمارية مهمة في المجالات الصناعية والسياحية لينافس القطاع الخاص السعودي ويزيد من حصته في سوق الخدمات التنافسية ويعزز الناتج المحلي الإجمالي. ويشير بن محمد إلى أن الموانئ ً والخدمات اللوجستية تعد قوة تضيف إلى مكانة الاقتصاد ً ضاربة السعودي، فالمملكة لديها منفذان
of Asia and Africa. The completion of the Kingdom’s railways project and its link with the Gulf States will add value in saving time. The creation of new and advanced ports on the Red Sea will have significant additional benefits to the economy from diversification, employment and re-export. Financial and functional returns The Kingdom’s treasury is expected huge returns after announcing a number of promising projects during the 2017 and 2018 investment initiatives, many of which depended on the Saudi Vision 2030 to exploit its geographical location. Referred to
this, the professor at the University of Imam Saud, Dr. Ali al-Luhaidan, says: “The global companies’ intention to localize its projects in the Kingdom is the result of the launch of investment plans based on geographical location and the ease of land and sea transport between three major continents.”, He adds that the new investments are expected to provide many job opportunities and billions of dollars revenues. Dr. Al-Luhaidan believes that Saudi Vision 2030 aims to move the economy of the Kingdom from 19th to 15th place in the list of top world economies, which will not be achieved unless it is competing with 14 countries,
Saudi Vision 2030 aims to move the economy of the Kingdom from 19th to 15th place in the list of top world economies
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