The belt includes 60 countries, home to almost two-thirds of
يعد نافذة للصين على ثلاث ً استراتيجيا ً جغرافيا قارات، هي آسيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا، مما يمكنها من نقل سلعها وتجارتها إلى أوروبا والعالم. في هذا الإطار، اتخذت المملكة خطوات الالتحاق بمشروع إحياء “طريق الحرير” بتأسيس شركة طريق الحرير السعودية، كإحدى الأذرع الاقتصادية الجديدة التي ستسهم في جذب العديد من الاستثمارات الخارجية، وتعزيز التجارة البحرية من ميناء جازان، ا غير نفطي يضاف إلى اقتصادها، فهي ً وتعد مورد ٍ في نقاط جوهرية 2030 مبادرة تتلاقى مع رؤية عديدة تحقق الترابط والتكامل. وتنوع الاقتصاد 2030 رؤية يقول المستشار الاقتصادي الدكتور أحمد الشهري: “تأتي المملكة في مقدمة الدول المؤثرة في مشروع طريق الحرير الجديد، فمدينة الملك عبدالله بجازان تعد لذلك المشروع الحيوي، وفيها سوف ً رئيسا ً محورا يتم تشكيل تجمع للصناعات والتجارة الصينية التي ستجد طريقها بسهولة إلى أفريقيا من خلال الميناء، وذلك بحسب الاتفاقات الموقعة مع الجانب الصيني، فتأسيس شركة طريق الحرير السعودية للخدمات الصناعية يسهم بشكل كبير في تحويل مدينة جازان إلى مركز ربط تجاري يعزز حركة التجارة بين آسيا وأوروبا ، التي تركز 2030 وأفريقيا، وينسجم مع رؤية المملكة على استغلال الموقع الجغرافي للسعودية”. يضيف الشهري: “المملكة لديها الكثير من مقومات النهضة الاقتصادية الواعدة، النفط والمعادن وموقعها الاستراتيجي الذي يجعل من الشراكة مع الصين فرصة كبيرة لتنمية صناعية تسهم في نمو المنطقة، وتفتح فرص التوظيف للسعوديين، وتساعد في تقليل حجم البطالة، كذلك زيادة عدد الشركات الأجنبية المستثمرة في المملكة وهو ما بتنوع مصادر الدخل، وإضافة 2030 تهدف إليه رؤية إيرادات أخرى غير نفطية للاقتصاد السعودي”. على ً تمر السنين ويبقى طريق الحرير شاهدا عن تبادل ً علنا ُ حركات التجارة والنقل عبر التاريخ، وم الثقافات عبر دروب طويلة تمر بدول وحضارات، ليبقى الطريق ذكرى تحيا في أذهاننا وخيالنا كواحد من أعظم الطرق الإنسانية قاطبة.
The empress asked her husband to give her a group of mulberry trees where she can breed thousands of silk worms that produce those beautiful cocoons. The empress was fascinated by this product and created silk reels to assemble these threads and produce thick threads that could be woven. In 1000 BC, China was the inventor and pioneer of the trade that dazzled the world, and became the hero on the journeys of the Silk Road, which became similar to a legend. “There is no great river to compare with this river of caravans; the road that carried half of the world’s history from one era to another, between territories with the help of little and limited human power,’’ explains the British traveler and historian Freya Stark, fascinated by the Silk Road and the greatness of this path that changed the world was the first deep and cumulative contact in which trade and cultures were exchanged together. Today, this legendary path is back to life by Chinese President Xi Jinping; influential form of human communication and a long form of openness among the peoples of the world, which will reflect on the prosperity and development of the countries that the road through them, as well as to promote the concept of peace and stability in the whole world. This means that 60 countries are going through the road as partners in the project on the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. The Road in History Since the beginning of history, peoples have exchanged their products and built commercial routes linking their regions. The road from China was called “the Silk Road” because it necessarily carries the Chinese silk; the most important invention in the ancient world. Traders voyaged with travelers, hermits moved with adventurers, the armies of invaders and remnants of immigrants crossed cities built out of nowhere, and other cities flourished at the expense of others as this road passed. who launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), to reestablish an
From China, silk came along with the four inventions (compass, gunpowder, paper and printing), to reach through the Silk Road to the whole world, a path that may be a passage over the sand, or a Strait between the mountains, or a track cut by deserts, a bridge crossing rivers, or a whole life over a convoy that goes For months, from one place to another. Above all of that, the road was a creation of man. With trade came cultures, tongues and dialects, arts and literature, as icons of civilizations migrated, travelers moved, and the importance of the Silk Road became clear as an artery that echoed the pulse of the life in the world. China witnessed a major trade renaissance in 1877, after planting mulberry trees and raising silk-producing silkworms on their leaves in an unprecedented massive way. Sooner, the trade of silk textiles flourished in China, and was exported to the world via the Silk Road, which once linked Between China and the southern and western part of Central Asia and India. It was even sold for its weight in precious stones, and other goods made it possible to make all the cities on the road flourish. In their book The Silk Road: A History, Irene M. Frank and David M. Brownstone point out that the name of the Silk Road belongs to the German traveler, geographer, and scientist Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen in the 19th century. The Byzantines gave a similar name hundreds of years ago, as China kept the secret of silk production for centuries. Paths to Multiple Roads The old Silk Road runs from China through Turkestan, Khorasan, Kurdistan and Syria to Egypt and North Africa, passing through Europe. The road extends from the commercial centers in northern China, where it is divided into two branches “North and South”; the northern branch passes through
the Bulgarian- Kipchaks region and across Eastern Europe and the peninsula Crimea, up to the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and the Balkans, all the way to Venice. The southern branch cuts across Turkestan, Khorasan, across Mesopotamia, Kurdistan, Anatolia, and Syria via Palmyra and Antioch to the Mediterranean or via Damascus and the Levant to Egypt and North Africa. In fact, the Silk Road was not a single road. It consists of a network of other bypass roads that flow into larger roads, including two northern hubs that they use in summer and winter, linked by other sub-routes crossed by commercial caravans from east to west, forming the largest global trade that has been regular and popular for over 1500 years. The Silk Road derives its importance from its historical legacy, where the trade of silk textiles and other goods and products exchanged along the paths of the road, a major reason for the prosperity of many ancient civilizations which shaped the foundations of modern times, including Chinese, Egyptian, Indian, and Roman civilizations. Across the Silk Road, Islam spread to the world, along with its role in transporting raw materials that paved the way for the industrial revolution, especially the paper industry, which took a breakthrough in knowledge and human heritage.
the world’s population
The old Silk Road runs from China through Turkestan, Khorasan, Kurdistan and Syria to Egypt and North Africa
استغلال الأصول للمملكة غير المفعلة يسهم ً وتاريخيا ً طبيعيا بشكل كبير في تعظيم دخولها الاقتصادية
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