Mersat Magazine - 1st Edition


The Red Sea is the hidden treasure of Saudi Arabia; tourism, minerals, and a giant sea gate. Such treasures revealed by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs who developed a plan to explore the future of the Saudis – 2030 – putting an end to the economic vicissitudes of the oil market. THE RED SEA AN OPEN GATE FOR V I S I ON 2030 TO EXTRACT SAUD I ’ S TREASURES

The Red Sea is the hidden treasure of Saudi Arabia; tourism, minerals, and a giant sea gate

The vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 included many promising projects that are effectively dependent on its borders in the Red Sea. It was the first to launch the Red Sea Tourism Project along the west coast of Saudi Arabia. And Red Sea Gateway Terminal is the most modern container terminal in the Kingdom. Besides, mineral exploration projects underscore the depth of the futuristic vision of the Crown Prince and his aspiration to create a new economy. Red Sea, Promising Tourism On 34,000 square kilometers, Saudi Arabia is embarking on the launch of its largest tourism project in the region, which includes more than 50 natural islands between Amlaj and Al-Wajah regions as a leading coastal destination, located on several pristine islands in the Red Sea. Besides, there are the remains of Mada’in Saleh Which is characterized by its urban beauty and its great historical significance, along with the natural reserves and inert volcanoes in the “Harrat Rahat” zone and the abundant coral reefs in the surrounding waters, it is not an exaggeration if the people describe as “Hawaii” or Saudi Maldives for the plenty of palm trees.

صندوق الاستثمارات العامة هو المستثمر الرئيسي والرائد المسؤول عن جذب مستثمرين محليين ودوليين

تاريخية لمدائن ً يضم آثارا بجمالها العمراني وأهميتها على مر العصور

حكومة المملكة نجحت في إبرام برتوكولات تعاون مع كبريات الشركات العالمية في مجالات الضيافة والفندقة

نقلة نوعية كبرى في قطاع السياحة المورد الاقتصادي الأبرز والأهم ٢٠٣٠ في رؤية

تعميق العائدات وجذب رؤوس أموال من الخارج إلى الداخل بحسب ما تتضمنه الدراسات الاقتصادية

مفهوم جديد للسياحة العلاجية لوجود عدد من المحميات الطبيعية والبراكين الخاملة

عائدات مالية قوية تؤدي بدورها إلى تحقيق نمو عال في الوظائف والناتج المحلي

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