Mersat Magazine - 1st Edition


Bahri Chairman to “Mersat”: Bahri has a key role in supporting Vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia

the world, in your opinion; what made it so successful? Thankfully, it is due to the reliable services we have provided, to many senior customers inside and outside the Kingdom, we have established a steady maritime reputation locally, regionally and internationally. I would like to emphasize that the success of Bahri has not come by doing nothing, not coincidentally, but based on the company’s strict quality system, which is one of the pillars of this success and benchmark for the maritime transport sector. Quality is an integral part of our institutional structure, supported by a team of specialists in business homogenous team has been able to make the company outperform its competitors and, in addition to achieving outstanding performance over the past few years, has been the first building block in transforming the maritime transport industry completely over the next few years. It is well known that Bahri designs its services in line with the needs of its customers, from the optimum utilization of services provided by others, through the provision of vessels and ships with custom designs, and to provide full transport services to the destination within or outside the Kingdom. These works helped Bahri to reach its current position, and to expand its presence globally by acquiring a wide network of agents across the Middle East, Africa, the United States, Europe and Asia. On the other hand, Bahri’s success is based not only on making use of analysis technology, but also on an integrated technology management platform that supports safety, quality and cost structure, and manages its human competencies that combine technical knowledge, skill and wise management, in an effort to increase and maximize shareholder value. To achieve that goal, it has implemented an integrated customer service development, data science and marine technology. This

Al Mofadhi was born on the first of July 1956, al-Bada’e city, where he had his basic education. In the middle of the seventies he moved to the city of Riyadh to study economics at King Saud University, and in 1984 he received a master’s degree from the University of Central Michigan Mount Pleasant Michigan, USA. With a solid ambition to study different sciences, and get excellence in studies in relation with his work field, he has obtained specialized training in project analysis, procurement and negotiation of contracts in the fields of supervision, project implementation and negotiation of foreign investment. He has participated in a large number of seminars and conferences related to the world economy, and development issues. CURRICULUM VITAE

باعتبارها البوابة الإقليمية لثلاث قارات في قطاع الخدمات اللوجستية. وتسعى البحري إلى تحقيق هذا الهدف من خلال العمل على كافة المجالات ذات الصلة بأنشطتها. وفي هذا الصدد، فقد وقعت البحري اتفاقية مع كل من شركة أرامكو السعودية، ولامبريل للطاقة المحدودة، وهيونداي للصناعات الثقيلة المحدودة لبناء حوض بحري في مدينة رأس الخير بمجمع الملك سلمان للصناعات البحرية، والذي سيسهم في توطين هذه الصناعة وتطويرها في المملكة والشرق الأوسط.

الشركة، والمبادرة الرابعة هي أنشطة اجتماعية مرتبطة بقيم الشركة. من هم شركاء نجاحكم؟ عملاؤنا هم شركاء نجاحنا، ونحن نعتز ونفتخر بخدمتهم ونعمل على تحقيق رضاهم. نذكر منهم: وزارة الداخلية، ووزارة الدفاع، والقوات المسلحة السعودية، وأرامكو السعودية، والشركة السعودية للصناعات الأساسية (سابك)، الشركة العربية للخدمات الزراعية (أراسكو)، والمؤسسة العامة )، والشركة السعودية SAGO( للحبوب للخطوط الحديدية، والمؤسسة العامة للخطوط الحديدية، والمؤسسة العامة

Al Mofadhi has many international experiences and positions including:

development interests of developing countries in 2008. Alternate Executive Director of Saudi Arabia on the Board of Directors of the World Bank from 2000 to 2006. He Served as Advisor to the Executive Director of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1997 to 2000. He held several specialized and administrative positions in the Saudi Fund for Development, where he gained extensive international experience through Saudi external aid and development assistance operations between 1979 and 1997. Al Mofadhi is a member of the board of directors of a number of Saudi companies, “National Commercial Bank, Saudi Real Estate Company, Al-Dar Holding, the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Stock Exchange, Tadawul”.

His appointment as Secretary General of the Public Investment Fund. He was elected as Executive Director of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the boards of the World Bank Group and its affiliates from May 2006 to development of World Bank Group policies and sectoral strategies. He served as the Dean of the World Bank’s Board of Directors as Chairman of the Steering Committee and Development of the Strategic Vision of the August 2012. He has been involved in the

In its first issue, Mersat magazine interviews Mr. Abdulrahman Al Mofadhi, Chairman of the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia. We are looking closely at the company’s latest news and projects. Initially, would you like to inform us of your duties and the roles of the Board of Directors? The Board of Directors of Bahri Group is seeking to implement the company’s vision, which links economies globally, and leads the world’s transport and logistics excellence, and promotes its mission to constantly focus on business values ​and fundamentals. We strive to become one of the world’s leading providers of transport and logistics services by sea, land and air as per the highest international standards.

relationships based on mutual trust with all our partners. In the Board of Directors we are keen to enhance the vital role played by Bahri in the growth and development of the global transport industry by enhancing innovation through the use of modern technologies and services Machine Learning to access leading, value-added marine, land and air services provided by Bahri Data. The Board of Directors in Bahri Group consists of nine members. It is responsible for leading the company through its steering, supervisory, censoring and strategy role. The executive management is responsible for conducting the work within the policies, plans and controls approved by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. such as Big Data, IoT Internet, Artificial Intelligence (IA) and

الجودة جزء لا يتجزأ من تكويننا من ٌ المؤسسي الذي يدعمه فريق المتخصصين فيمجال تطوير الأعمال وعلوم البياناتوالتقنية البحرية

إضافة إلى ذلك، كانت الشركة قد وقعت في السابق اتفاقية مع الشركة العربية للاستثمارات البترولية (أبيكورب) لتأسيس صندوق استثماري يستهدف ناقلة نفط عملاقة على 15 تملك ثلاث مراحل، بقيمة استثمارات إجمالية خلال المراحل الثلاث مليار دولار أمريكي. 1.5 تصل إلى كما وقعت اتفاقية مع جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز تهدف إلى تدريب وتوظيف طلاب كلية الدراسات البحرية بالجامعة. موظف 2,400 ويعمل لدى البحري في مختلف مكاتبها حول العالم، والتي تنتشر في السعودية، والإمارات، والولايات المتحدة الأميركية، والهند.

لتحلية المياه المالحة، ومشروع مترو الرياض، وشركة التعدين العربية السعودية (معادن)، وغيرهم. تقف المملكة اليوم على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة مع ، ما دور البحري 2030 رؤية فيها، وبم تحدثوننا عن هذه المرحلة، تحدياتها ونتائجها؟ في دعم ً رئيسيا ً تلعب البحري دورا ، وهي 2030 متطلبات رؤية السعودية ملتزمة بالإسهام بفاعلية في تحقيق هذه الرؤية الطموحة عبر توسيع خدماتها وتطويرها بشكل متواصل، وبالتالي فتح الآفاق لمزيد من خطوط التجارة الجديدة، وتنويع الاقتصاد السعودي، وتعزيز موقع المملكة

Board of Directors of the Bank from November 2010 to August 2012. He chaired the Informal Working

Group of Executives for Developing Countries (G-11) to promote the

Today, Bahri is one of the largest providers of shipping services in

At the same time, we seek to establish fruitful working

مـرسـاة - سبتــمـبــر 1 8

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